When I compare the last pictures of Twigs with these, sigh, it doesn't look like 3+ hours worth of time.
But, really, I don't care how "long" it takes. It's not about that at all. I'm sure everyone who finds peace in doing something they love, whether its beading, reading, gardening, hiking, etc. can understand that its the process, the journey, the satisfaction received in doing what you want to do, not what you have to do.

Our weather has been absolutely perfect, so I like to be outside as much as possible. Packing up Twigs and all his supplies just wasn't what I felt like doing, so I left him on my beading table and scrounged around for another project long past due.
I came across this kit which I have had for years. I had bought it to learn how to make cuff bracelets.

I started it and then set it aside and took off on my own and made at least 40 or so cuffs, and yet, never went back to finish this -- until now!

The edging was supposed to be those fun multi-colored metallic size 11 beads. Unfortunately the holes of every other bead (I swear) was plugged and I couldn't get my needle through. Patience? Nope.

I found this delicious rhubarb colored size 8 bead in my stash and added a tiny 15 mettalic purple I had on hand too. Speaking of rhubarb - yum! I've made 3 pies and I swear I have eaten almost every piece. Really. (And I still have 2 more bunches on hand)

I wasn't too keen on the stars, but they were part of the kit, so I put them around the back - I actually think they look kinda cool - almost like studs.

And now for some new toys! I'm on the Artbeads e-mail list and so I got this notice of a sale where a bunch of stuff was marked down to practically free. I could resist picking up a few things:

I got 3 of these gorgeous black labradorite 34mm coin beads and a pack of ultra-sparkly 8mm czech faceted rounds in stone blue luster.
And then just a mix of earthy looking strands...

Some smaller (10 x 12 mm) glass cabochons

Another mix of random goodies that caught my eye; some hematite roundeles, a mixed strand of stones and those puffy opalite coins! They are just gorgeous.
Back in the spring, as part of the blogging program, I chose a Toho ring kit and just loved it. Meghan wore it to school and the girls just went crazy over it and everytime I wear it, I get compliments too.
I wanted to order more, but they were out of stock :( I did click on their "email me when available" option and I did indeed receive an email telling me they were available again. But, for whatever reason (cash flow, time, etc), I never ordered.
Well, since I was already ordering now, I thought I would see if the kits were still in stock. They Were :) I couldn't make up my mind, so I got 3. For $12.39, it is so worth it.

I picked one at random and made the motif yesterday. Just have to do the band and I'll be on to the next one.....they are quite addictive.

And then the light bulb goes off! I had gotten another order of my choices for the blogging progam and had completely forgotten about them. Yeah, forgot about beads. Goes to show you what a toll all this crap with the school had done to me.
I was asked to pick some Summer beads. Here's the mix I picked, which originally I thought was going to be used all in one necklace. Not.

I have always liked the furnace
glass beads and these are super nice. So shiny and smooth. But the color turned out to be more green than I was expecting, so they will be used by themselves in something. A bracelet maybe with peyote tube beads intermixed perhaps? They remind me of a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone.....
8 mm faceted rounds just scream summer to me. Their color and sheen is really really pretty.

I'm thinking that using them with these awesome
matte jet rounds will be stunning with a bit of sterling silver something added in. It's hard to believe that something matte could be shiny too, but these are!

How could I not pick this
dandelion pendant? I picked those sweet little Hill Tribe
sterling silver flower cubes thinking they will represents my 3 daughters and they kind of look like a dandelion puff, right? I couldn't believe it when I saw the charms were even embellished on the bottom - how sweet.

So my friends that's what has been happening in my beady little world.
In my personal world, Hannah's homeschooling started on Thursday. What a joke. She gets a whopping 8 hours of instruction a week. 4 hours with an English and Global teacher and 4 hours with a Math and Earth Science teacher. Really? Yeah. Great huh? I'm waiting for the superintendent's office to get back to me on what they will do in the Fall. I really want to send her outside the district, but I'm not sure that is something we can financially afford. From what I've heard out of district tuition is sky high. But this homeschooling is definitely not the education she deserves.
On a positive note, I start a new Tuscarora bead class tomorrow. My first one in a long time. I'm so looking forward to it! And the end of this week, I'll be on my way to Allegany State Park to attend my first Audubon Society Nature Pilgrimage. Can't wait for that!
Bead Happy and Often!
FTC Disclosure: The faceted glass rounds, furnace beads, sterling silver charms, and resin pendant were provide to me free of charge in exchange for my honest opinion of the products.