Here in
Lockport, NY, we are in a stretch of the perfect spring weather - blue sky, temps in the 50s- and smiling people everywhere :)
Even in my mailbox, I received some spring in the form of my latest
Artbeads selections.

Artbeads has asked me to create something with spring in mind, so I chose a color story of
Swarovski pastel pearls,
bicones, and
xilion setting crystals along with a gorgeous
sterling silver clasp with the idea of a netted bracelet. We'll see how (and if ) I can pull that together!

Then I browsed around some more and came across this adorable
Toho Crystal Flower ring kit. Cool. I didn't even know
Artbeads carried kits.
Geez, what
don't they carry!?

It was tough to see on-line what the kit contained, but I had a feeling it would coordinate close enough with the pearls and crystals I had selected and it certainly looked Spring-y.
Wow. Not at all what I was expecting. But not in a bad way! I was intrigued to see the base of the flower would be beaded onto a silver filigree. Never did that before.

I thought the kit was well packed, everything taped down and extras of all the components (other than the filigree piece). Even thread - oh no, not thread-but the dreaded nylon-fishing-line-type thread. Crap. I've worked with that before and hated it. Not feeling so excited anymore. :(
Hmm, what's that handy little tip included on the instructions - "to make nylon thread more pliable, expose it to steam prior to working with it" - well, never knew that! And it works like a charm :)
(There you go, I filled my "learn something new everyday" quota for today.)
As you can see, the instructions were well diagrammed.

(Can you see the remnants of the Beading for a Cure project still on my table? Ha-too anxious to try this ring that I didn't even clear off my work space!)
I had just a few minutes before I was leaving to have dinner with my friend Joan, but I managed to get the first few petals complete.

How cute is this!? I can't wait to finish it..........but it's definitely a daytime project working with the nylon thread and weaving it into the filigree holes.
The kit claims it should take approximately 40 minutes to complete. We'll see how I measure up to that time! Like those recipes that promise 10 minutes of prep and 30 minutes of cooking. That never is true for me, I guess if I had an assistant who chopped and measured everything and had all the ingredients lined up ready to go, then maybe....
Have a great day - see you soon!
FTC Disclosure: I received the Swarovski pieces, sterling silver clasp, and Toho ring kit free of charge in exchange for writing my honest review of the products.