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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Decorate and it will come!

Yes! I put up my Easter and Spring decor, and Spring Came! My Crocus are blooming and my birds are returning in bigger numbers.

Even the gold finches are flocking back. I get a few over the winter, but during the summer, I will get whole flocks together. Here are 6 of them that I caught at my feeder from my upstairs window. I had to zoom the picture in, so it's not the best quality, but there are 5 at the feeding stations and one at the top of the hook. They are quite chatty, and have the cutest songs. There were chickadees around too, so between their peep-peep-peeps and the finch chorus, it was great!

A big THANK YOU to everyone who voiced their opinion on my BFAC box. I'm planning on working on it a bit today, so I will post the progress soon. You were all a big help and I really appreciated the input. Sometimes you just need a second (or third, or fourth, etc ) pair of eyes!

1 comment:

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Well Lynn. You are an inspiration. Thanks to Tracey I have bought a couple of books that are bead embroidery resource guides. I want to learn to to the style of embroidery that you do on some of your pieces. I have crazy quilt applications in mind.

We have those little birds year round and I just love them. They have been mating and making nests already so I know Spring has come to Northern Indiana...YAY!!