For years, I have been in on and off again contact with a bead studio in Rochester, NY, which is about an hour or so away from where I live. Various times I have been asked to teach a class, but could never commit to take on the challenge. Me teach? I don't feel like I have the level of expertise to classify myself as a teacher. Plus everything I make is very time consuming and with it being quite a commute to the studio, I would need to come up with a project that could be accomplished in about 2 hours, limiting the project options.
Well I got another email from the studio asking me to consider teaching a class this spring. I took a leap of faith (or blind stupidity) and said yes. I've decided to teach 5 basic bead embroidery stitches to demonstrate how you can add texture and 'movement' with just these few techniques. I worked up a sample (see the pink pin above) and realized it was too large at just 2" x 3" to finish in a 2-hour time frame. But I got the basic idea of keeping with the few stitches. I am in the middle of making another smaller piece (about 2" x 2") and I think that will be the size for the class.
And here is a necklace that I had made for my friend Jeanette a few years ago that broke. I could just restring it, but I really would like to do something different. I tried a peyote stitch tube, but that didn't look right, so I'm waiting for inspiration to strike. The single bead strand just looks too whimpy to me.

I just learned how to knit a cable pattern! I am so fascinated with it. It's the coolest thing. My friend Elrene showed me how to do it and my other friend Paula just happened to be cleaning out her overflowing yarn stash, and gave me a bag of 7 (!) skeins of hand-dyed wool in the creamiest vanilla colors with just subtle hints of beige and rose - scrumptious! So I have knitted myself into a frenzy and feel like my right arm and hand are about to fall off. I'm assuming this is a full-blown addiction when I continue to do something even when it hurts!!! My plan is to make a cable scarf with a matching pair of socks and fingerless gloves (which will be a new challenge for me). Better start popping the ibuprofen!!
My Hearts to You Bracelet is off to its new home in Seattle Washington. I will miss it. Isn't that ridiculous??? I make it to sell, and yet when it does sell, my heart is a little sad :(